Wallpaper of the week - Cherry Valley children's wallpaper from Majvillan
Cherry Valley, with all its details and colors, is a wallpaper you can look at for a long time.
Körsbärsdalen is a wallpaper with all its details and colors that makes you want to look at it for a long time. The wallpaper comes in five different colors.
If you choose Körsbärsdalen from Majvillan for your child's room, it is then easy to choose accent colors. The wallpaper is based on one base color and four accent colors, just choose your favorites for other decor and voila you have a wonderful whole!
Often it is enough to put wallpaper on one or two of the room's walls and paint the others to create a children's room with a real children's feel.
Feel free to combine with Majvillan's other interior products, blankets, cushions, or bedding!
Here you will find Majvillan's other wallpapers!