Marimekko's popular wallpapers!
Marimekko's wallpaper collection is full of familiar patterns from Marimekko.
Little Tiara.
Marimekko Little Tiara is a romantic wallpaper that works well in old-fashioned interiors but is also a modern floral wallpaper that would look great in a modern kitchen. Little Tiara is suitable as both a feature wall or as wallpaper on all room walls. The pattern was created by the designer Erja Hirvi.
The wallpaper is available in three different colors.

Marimekko Lintukoto is a romantic floral wallpaper in white and gray colors. This is a classic among floral wallpapers. It fits nicely in a kitchen or entrance hall.

Bo Boo
Marimekko Bo Boo wallpaper is filled with colorful cars. The car wallpaper will surely be a hit in many children's rooms.

Marimekko's Räsymatto pattern is something of a classic. Now it is also available as wallpaper, in two color options. Räsymatto was created by Maija Louekari.

Bottna created by Anna Danielsson is what we call a modern classic. The pattern has previously existed as wallpaper and now returns to the range. Thanks to its graphic and elegant design language, the wallpaper fits into many Scandinavian homes. Black and white wallpapers are among our bestsellers and we don't doubt that Bottna will become one of them. Bottna is available in four different color options.

Orkanen is a wallpaper with a small pattern, available in four color options. Carina Seth Andersson created this in 2016 and the wallpaper reflects the aftermath of a severe storm.

Marimekko Spalje is available in three color options. It is created by Carina Seth Andersson. The wallpaper depicts a climbing hydrangea. Carina Seth Andersson was inspired by her summer cottage, from a hydrangea that clung to a flower trellis.

Marimekko Veljekset is designed to honor the 100-year independence of Finland. The wallpaper's inspiration comes from Finnish nature, its animals, and plants. The creator is Maija Louekari.

Yön Varjo
Yön varjo is overall a fantastic, mysterious, and even somewhat dominant wallpaper. This graphic wallpaper with a modern pattern creates a fine impression on a feature wall in modern homes. The wallpaper's creator is Sanna Annukka. Two color options.