Tips for a local Mother's Day gift

May is here and with it Mother's Day. If you want to give something more lasting than a bouquet and chocolate, perhaps a poster by Julia Bäck with a local connection could be a suitable Mother's Day gift?

Tips på en lokal morsdagsgåva


Julia Bäck has illustrated motifs from seven different locations: Helsinki, Turku, Vaasa, Jakobstad, Korsholm, Malax and Vörå. 

The posters evoke emotions and memories among everyone who has a connection to any of the locations. They are black and white and graphically elegant. 

An alternative to the posters with locations is the Lighthouses poster. In it, Julia Bäck illustrates nine different lighthouses from Ostrobothnia. It gives a sense of the archipelago and brings thoughts to life at the summer cottage.

We wish all mothers a sunny and beautiful Mother's Day surrounded by loved ones.