This is how Aveo handles corona: extra hygiene measures considering the risk of infection

Online shopping continues! We wash our hands thoroughly many times a day - all to ensure that we do not spread any possible coronavirus further.

Så här hanterar Aveo corona: extra hygienåtgärder med tanke på smittorisken


At Aveoshop we are working as usual despite the coronavirus. Throughout the entire chain, from product producer, via webshop, to recipient, special precautions are being taken to prevent the spread of the infection. According to the information that THL currently has, the virus survives relatively short times on surfaces at different temperatures.

Product Producers: From our suppliers, messages are coming in one after another that they are packing and shipping our orders just as usual. At, for example, House Doctor and Ferm Living, everyone who can works remotely while those who pack goods are at work. Unfortunately, some goods are delayed due to disruptions in production and deliveries caused by COVID-19.

Aveoshop: Here in the countryside of Vörå, we have plenty of space to keep our distance from each other. If/when the virus spreads here to our small village of Komossa, we will take turns working remotely, and of course, clean and disinfect our premises extra often. We already wash our hands thoroughly many times a day. 

Post: According to THL, the coronavirus is not transmitted via mail. Posten has announced that they are also increasing preparedness and taking special precautions to prevent person-to-person transmission. For example, Posten's staff will no longer handle the customer's phone or ID, but will sign for it with your permission. For home deliveries, they will ring the doorbell, place the package down, and step back a few meters, then wait until the customer opens and receives the package.

Together we help to take Finland and the whole world through this challenging time. Together we drive Finland forward and continue to be a vibrant country even when the coronavirus has passed or at least calmed down. 

We help each other and support our local stores and webshops! Welcome to Aveo for shopping.

Source: THL, Posten, Ferm Living, Society of Lifestyle (House Doctor).

PS: Remember to check out our Outlet category. The discounts here are substantial! The category includes products that may no longer be available from the supplier, wallpaper that we have a single roll left of in stock (perfect for crafts or a small feature wall), and other small items!