Interior planning for the Folkhälsanhuset in Vasa

Aveo has furnished Folkhälsan's premises in central Vaasa. Flexible solutions with durable materials and timeless design.

Inredningsplanering till Folkhälsanhuset i Vasa

Together with Folkhälsan, we have decorated part of their new premises in the center of Vasa. Since some of the spaces need to be usable by different age groups, this also placed certain demands on the interior design. The materials should be durable, the design timeless, and the furnishings flexible. In the new office spaces, you can see Folkhälsan's diverse color palette.

What is special about this project is the versatile use of textiles and the personal patterns of the textiles, the excellent acoustics, and the furniture solutions that suit many different purposes.
In addition to interior design planning, we have, among other things, delivered all furniture, textiles, and lamps to the project. All deliveries and installations have been made according to the customer's schedule.