Aveo planned new for ABB– 2/2 Unique solutions for the open office landscape

Good acoustics, ergonomic workstations, quiet rooms, and several meeting rooms were planned by Aveo in ABB's premises.

Aveo planerade nytt för ABB– 2/2 Unika lösningar för det öppna kontorslandskapet

In our previous article about ABB Protection & Connections office in Vaasa, we promised a closer look at the customer-tailored and innovative solutions planned in the department, where Aveo was responsible for both interior design and project sales. Everything from office logistics to furniture and textile selection is well thought out, resulting in a modern and functional whole. 

- The most important thing was to accommodate more individual workstations in the landscape without the noise level getting too high. Aveo has succeeded beyond expectations, notes Johanna Keturi, who has been involved in the process from the beginning.

Instead of bulky corner desks, all employees now have smaller, height-adjustable electric desks. Each workstation is screened off by partitions with acoustic panels that dampen noise. The product planning department has its own area in the landscape, separated by slightly higher partitions in a different color, and their desk area is also slightly larger. At strategic places, the partitions are equipped with stylish arrangements of green plants that act as a privacy screen.

The few meeting rooms that existed earlier were constantly occupied, and this has now been addressed by increasing their number.

- Negotiation spaces can be used for phone or video conferences or for smaller customer meetings. They are equipped with necessary technical equipment and also with what is called idea paint on one of the walls, says Johanna.

The idea paint allows the entire wall to be used as a writing board – no specific whiteboard is needed. Brainstorming is encouraged, something that ABB also wanted to support.

If you need extra peace and quiet for a phone call, you can use one of the three Phone Booth areas, which is a completely new solution in the office. Peace and quiet can also be found in the "quiet room," which is built on the second floor of the office. Here, total silence prevails, and practical and comfortable furniture creates a perfect environment for concentration, studies, or other work-related activities.
- The quiet room, named Switch Lounge, is also a completely new solution, Johanna adds.

The new LED lighting in the landscape is controlled with ABB's own KNX automation. A lux sensor detects the amount of daylight streaming in and the lighting adjusts accordingly, as well as to the amount of movement in the office. In the small meeting rooms, ventilation is automatically regulated thanks to meters that read the carbon dioxide level in the air.

- New storage solutions were also needed for the protective equipment that visitors should wear during tours of the production department – vests and shoes. Now we have functional and stylish cabinets for these. In corresponding cabinets, there are also break exercise equipment available for those who want to use their breaks for exercise, Johanna adds, who is very pleased with the new solutions.

The staff cafeteria, Switch Café, has also been renewed and equipped with new furniture. A sliding door makes it possible to separate a part of it for larger staff meetings.

Johanna and her colleagues are very satisfied with both the result and the process, which has worked smoothly. 

Text: Anna Sand / bySand
Photo: Ann-Britt Pada / Foto Pada